The LIFE DYNAMAP project final conference (www.life-dynamap.eu) has been held on June, 6th in Rome, at the Via Rieti Auditorium. About 100 participants took part an the event, belonging to the institutional, technical-professional and research world. The conference began with the welcome greetings from the ANAS Director of Engineering and Audits Michele Vigna and with […]
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the final conference of the LIFE DYNAMAP project on real time noise mapping. The conference will be held on June, 6th, at the Auditorium of Via Rieti, in Rome. In case you are interested in attending the conference, please fill in the participation form or link […]
The Dynamap video is now available also on youtube! Please take a look at the video and press the “like” button!!
Funded under the LIFE + programme of the European Commission, Dynamap is a project aimed to develop a dynamic noise mapping system able to detect and represent in real time the acoustic impact of road infrastructures. To that end, an automatic monitoring system, based on customized low-cost sensors and a software tool on a GIS […]
The training course on the Dynamap system was held in Rome on December, 18th 2018. See some pictures of the day on the Gallery page!
Dynamap dissemination activities continue! Look at the Gallery page to see some photos of noticeboards installed in Milan and monitors installed in Rome! On the LIFE DYNAMAP project LinkedIn page it is also possible to view the video produced by Anas about the project at the following link https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6476445455302565888
On the LIFE DYNAMAP project LinkedIn page it is possible to view the video produced by Anas about the project. A short video version will be shown soon also on monitors installed in some service areas along the A90 and A91 motorways in Rome. Look here!!! https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6476445455302565888
Look at the «Dynamic Maps» page and click on the icons to show the dynamic maps of Rome or Milan.