The Dynamap video is now available also on youtube! Please take a look at the video and press the “like” button!!
The Dynamap video is now available also on youtube! Please take a look at the video and press the “like” button!!
Dynamap dissemination activities continue! Look at the Gallery page to see some photos of noticeboards installed in Milan and monitors installed in Rome! On the LIFE DYNAMAP project LinkedIn page it is also possible to view the video produced by Anas about the project at the following link https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6476445455302565888
On the LIFE DYNAMAP project LinkedIn page it is possible to view the video produced by Anas about the project. A short video version will be shown soon also on monitors installed in some service areas along the A90 and A91 motorways in Rome. Look here!!! https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6476445455302565888
Look at the “Dynamic Maps” page and click on the icons to show the dynamic maps of Rome or Milan.
Next Team Members and Steering Committee Meeting will be held in Barcelona on June 7, 2018.
On June and July 2017 the Dynamap project was presented at 44° Congress of the Italian Acoustic Association, at the Forum Acusticum and at the ICSV24. On the Documents page, all presented articles, presentations, and posters are available. See also the photos of all the events where the Dynamap team took part!
On June 08, 2017 the Dynamap project has been presented in Pavia in the framework of the 44° Congress of the Italian Acoustic Association. The proceeding of the session will be available as soon as possible. STAY CONNECTED WITH US!!!
On May Dynamap noise monitoring devices installation in Rome pilot area was completed. System tests and fault analysis will start quickly to verify its accuracy and reliability. The LIFE DYNAMAP team takes the opportunity to thank the Department of Rome for all the support given during the preliminary tests and installation phases. https://life-dynamap.eu/galleries/