The LIFE DYNAMAP project final conference (www.life-dynamap.eu) has been held on June, 6th in Rome, at the Via Rieti Auditorium. About 100 participants took part an the event, belonging to the institutional, technical-professional and research world. The conference began with the welcome greetings from the ANAS Director of Engineering and Audits Michele Vigna and with […]
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the final conference of the LIFE DYNAMAP project on real time noise mapping. The conference will be held on June, 6th, at the Auditorium of Via Rieti, in Rome. In case you are interested in attending the conference, please fill in the participation form or link […]
Funded under the LIFE + programme of the European Commission, Dynamap is a project aimed to develop a dynamic noise mapping system able to detect and represent in real time the acoustic impact of road infrastructures. To that end, an automatic monitoring system, based on customized low-cost sensors and a software tool on a GIS […]
The training course on the Dynamap system was held in Rome on December, 18th 2018. See some pictures of the day on the Gallery page!
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the LIFE Program, the LIFE DYNAMAP team will participate at the Workshop “I progetti LIFE svolti in Italia sul tema dell’inquinamento acustico ambientale: risultati conseguiti, esperienze in corso e sviluppi futuri”, that will be held in Florence on July, 11 to find and discuss the achievements, current […]
During the International Noise Awarness Day, a lesson about noise in one of the schools where a DYNAMAP sensor will be installed has been organized by AMAT and Milan Municipality. At the lesson, the DYNAMAP project was presented to the children and teachers by Mattia Grampella and Stefano Muchetti (AMAT). The photos and the poster […]
Dynamap system implementation phase has been started on December 2016: first two sensors have been installed by Anas and Blue Wave Srl in Rome pilot area. https://life-dynamap.eu/galleries/
Next Team Members and Steering Committee Meeting will be held in Milan on May 4, 2017.
Next Team Members and Steering Committee Meeting will be held in Rome on November 8, 2016.
If you’re interested in going through the Dynamap project, don’t miss the Dynamap Special Session II that will be held in Hamburg during Internoise 2016 on August, 24th at 10:20 (Hall A2). The session includes a panel discussion to which you’re very welcome to participate in and give your contribution to the future of noise […]